Thursday, July 6, 2023

Keynote Symptoms of Argentum Metallicum

  • Sensation of soreness in the joints.
  • Tearing in the joints of the hands and feet, through the fingers and toes.
  • Boring in the joints.
  • Pricking from within outwards.
  • Sensation of numbness, and as if asleep in the limbs.
  • Pressing, tearing pain, mostly in the head.
  • Sensation of soreness and rawness in internal organs.
  • The effects from onanism.
  • Strong effects upon the secretions of the mucous membranes.
  • Discharge of urine too frequent and too copious.
  • Heat of the whole body except the head without thirst.
  • The symptoms are renewed towards noon.

Keynote Symptoms of Argentum Metallicum Dr. Delowar Jahan Imran 5 of 5
Sensation of soreness in the joints. Tearing in the joints of the hands and feet, through the fingers and toes. Boring in the joints. Pricki...

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